Forum on Islamic Radicalism and Management


Political Islam is waging a war against the West and one theater of that war is the workplace.

Corporates are soft targets for terrorist attacks but aside from the threat of violence they are also easy prey for Islamists deploying nonviolent tactics in pursuit of their goals. The strategy takes the form of systematic demands for the accommodation of Islamic practices in the workplace and if such accommodations are not granted, accusations of discrimination and lawsuits against employers. 
To the quantifiable economic cost of enabling Islamic rituals on the job must be added the intangible cost, less easy to measure but just as serious in terms of damage caused. This is the impact on workforce cohesion, reduced socialization and the emergence of factions. As in Western society in general, there is a risk of division within the corporation and the development of parallel groups in the workforce that will ultimately fracture the organization along religious lines.

Our survey of Western corporates revealed that over 50% had to handle Islam-related workplace issues on an occasional or regular basis. The problems ranged from absenteeism for religious feasts to interference by external religious representatives, collective praying and refusal to work with a female colleague. In the USA and Europe thousands of lawsuits have been filed against employers for alleged discrimination.

While in Europe corporates are gradually overcoming a reluctance to discuss these issues out of fear of accusations of Islamophobia, in the USA the constitutional right to religious freedom has been hijacked by Islamists as an instrument to advance their agenda and stifle debate.


On 16 November 2017 at the Cercle National des Armées (Army, Navy and Air Force Officers' Club) in Paris FIRM hosted the world's most informed experts on Islamic radicalism together with senior executives from flagship corporates. They came together for the world's first conference on Islamic Radicalism in the Workplace. A wide range of topics was covered. From religious accommodation to detection of radicalization. From lethal attacks on soft targets to lawfare against employers. From micro-financing of jihad to security and protection of employees and customers.

The second FIRM conference - Political Islam in the Workplace - took place at the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. on 26 April 2018.

On 15 November 2018 a third conference - L'Islam politique sur le lieu de travail - was held at the Palais du Luxembourg, seat of the French Senate.

ABOUT US image
TEAM image
Forum on Islamic Radicalism and Management was founded in October 2016 by a concerned group of individuals from the corporate, intelligence, security and academic sectors to raise awareness in and provide support to corporations faced with the global threat of political Islam. 

We are supported by a network of professionals in areas including Islamic doctrine, human resources, corporate security, law enforcement, national security, intelligence, law and psychometrics.

1. Build a task-force drawn from business, security, law enforcement, civil society and lawmakers to counter political Islam. 

2. Organize international conferences on political Islam as it relates to business and management. 

3. Develop and disseminate effective responses to the threats to free enterprise, democracy and freedom of expression posed by the spread of political Islam.

4. Equip corporates with the knowledge and skills required to handle critical workplace issues – demands for religious accommodation, lawfare, detecting and reporting radicalization, workplace security and employee preparedness.   

If political Islam is impacting your organization we can help fix the problem.

FIRM has developed a unique and innovative methodology to enable employers to firewall their organizations against political Islam. From detecting and neutralizing insider threat to dealing with demands for accommodation, we can show you how to take back control of your workplace from Islamic agitators.

A member of our team is available to meet with you, listen to your concerns and deliver a solution. 

PARIS 2017 image



Thursday  16 November 2017, 9 am to 6 pm


Cercle National des Armées, Paris


Kagusthan Ariaratnam – Security, Defence, Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Analyst
Over 25 years’ experience including Directorate of Military Intelligence (Sri Lanka), Research and Analysis Wing (India), Canadian Security Intelligence Services and Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 

Dan Benisty – Head of Compliance [Classified]
Responsible for compliance programs and suspicious activity reports. Principal point of contact for French Central Bank and Financial Intelligence Unit.

Patrick Brunot - Lawyer, Paris Bar
Foreign Trade Advisor to the French Government

Philippe Chansay-Wilmotte - Lawyer, Brussels Bar 
25 years’ experience working for governments, including Islamic governments.

Eric Denécé - Director, French Centre for Intelligence Studies (CF2R) 
Consultant to French and European companies on intelligence and risk management issues.

Ghislaine Dumesnil - Bus Driver, RATP Paris Tranit Authority (rtd) 
Author of a book describing the infiltration of the RATP Paris Transit Authority by Salafists.

Jean Froelicher – Consultant, PwC France
Consultant to private and public sector organizations on security issues. Leads seminars on detecting and preventing workplace radicalization. 

Wilhelm Gaier - Security Analyst 
Security Analyst and soldier with 15 years’ experience in the government and private sector.

Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin - Psychoanalyst, Arabist, Counter-Terrorism Expert
Author of 4 books on Islamic terrorism, works extensively with military and police world-wide.

Zoltán Ladányi - Chargé de Mission, LPN Group Global Security Solutions
10 years of worldwide multicultural management in defense, security and tourism. Managed over 150 nationalities in more than 50 countries speaking 13 languages.

Madeleine Nicole Maillette – Officer, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (rtd) 
Over 30 years of government experience as a police investigator, military intelligence analyst and electronic technologist. Currently writing a doctoral thesis on counter-terrorism.

Thibault de Montbrial - Lawyer, Paris Bar 
President, CRSI National Security Think-Tank. Member, Scientific Council of French War College.

Rob Out – Policy Advisor on Radicalization Detection & Prevention
Expert on training and policy advice for European Commission Radicalization Awareness Network and OSCE. Board Member, European Commission Radicalization Awareness Network for Police. Four decades of experience in the Netherlands national police force.

Leslie Shaw - Associate Professor, ESCP Europe Business School 
Training corporate executives in negotiation and conflict management for over three decades.

Clifford Smith – Attorney, Washington Project Director, Middle East Forum
Expert on Islamic issues in regular contact with key individuals in the White House, the State Department, Homeland Security and Congress.

Pierre Spain – Corporate Director, Delta Air Lines (rtd) 
30 years of front line operational experience with a global airline covering Europe, Africa, Middle East and India. 


ESCP Europe Business School



Corporate €500, Private €150. 
Applications will be vetted and are subject to approval by FIRM.


Registration closed.


WASHINGTON 2018 image



Thursday 26 April 2018, 3 pm to 9 pm


Congressional Auditorium, Unites States Capitol, Washington D.C.


Keynote Speaker - Congressman Steve King

Joseph Trindal - Director of Programs, Engility Corporation; Leading Department of Justice ICITAP and OPDAT programs; Former President, InfraGard National Capital Region; Former President and Chief Operating Officer, Akal Security.

Frank Figliuzzi - Chief Operating Officer, ETS Global Risk Management, Inc; NBC News National Security Analyst; Former Director, Corporate Investigations and Assistant Chief Security Officer, the General Electric Company; Former FBI Assistant Director of Counterintelligence. 
Rachel Ehrenfeld - Director of American Center for Democracy and Economic Warfare Institute.
Sam Senev - Advisory Board Member, Financial Sponsor and Lecturer, Global Institute for Entrepreneurship; Chairman & CEO, Global Private Funding, Inc.

Pierre Spain - Corporate Director, Delta Airlines (rtd).
Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin - Universidad de Granada; Psychoanalyst, Arabist, Counter-Terrorism Expert.
Philippe Chansay-Wilmotte - Lawyer, Brussels Bar with extensive experience working for governments, including Islamic governments.

Zoltan Ladanyi -  International Security Expert; Former Security Officer, AIDA Cruises. 

Leslie Shaw - Associate Professor, ESCP Europe Business School.
Eli Gold - Senior Vice President, London Center for Policy Research; Senior Fellow, Soran University; Former President and Chairman, The Harbour League.


London Center for Policy Research

American Center for Democracy


Admission is free. Applications will be vetted and are subject to approval by FIRM.


Registration closed.


PARIS 2018 EN image


Friday 16 November 2018, 8:30 am to 12:00 noon


Palais du Luxembourg Senate Building, Paris


Sam Senev -  Advisory Board Member, Financial Sponsor and Lecturer, Global Institute for Entrepreneurship; National Security Advisor; Anti Business-Terrorism Expert

Patrice Obert - General Delegate for Ethics, RATP Paris Transit Authority

Erwan Seznec - Investigative Business Journalist and Author

Alexandre Del Valle - Geopolitical Analyst and Author

Arian Lev - Entrepreneur, Middle East Scholar, Creator of the Arian Lev Method for Reprogramming the Subconscious

Nicolai Sennels - Danish Psychologist and Expert on Islam

Classified - Pakistani Electronic and Electrical Development Engineer

Marc Gélineau-Larrivet -  Magistrate, Vice President of the High Court of Nanterre

Simultaneous translation for all talks and question & answer sessions


London Center for Policy Research, Washington D.C.


Corporate: by invitation
Private individual: by invitation
Applications will be vetted and are subject to approval by FIRM.


Registration closed.


PARIS 2018 FR image



Vendredi 16 novembre 2018 de 8h30 à 12h00


Palais du Luxembourg, Paris


Sam Senev - Membre du Conseil de surveillance, mécène et professeur au Global Institute for Entrepreneurship; Conseiller en sécurité nationale; Expert dans la lutte contre le terrorisme visant les entreprises 

Patrice Obert -  Délégué général à l’éthique, Groupe RATP

Erwan Seznec - Journaliste et auteur

Alexandre Del Valle - Géopolitologue et auteur

Arian Lev - Entrepreneuse, experte du Moyen-Orient, créatrice de la Méthode Arian Lev de la reprogrammation du subconscient  

Nicolai Sennels - Psycholoque danois, spécialiste de l'islam

Identité classée - Ingénieur de développement en électronique et électrotechnique (pakistanais)

Marc Gélineau-Larrivet - Vice-Président du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Nanterre 

Traduction simultanée assurée 


London Center for Policy Research, Washington D.C.


Entreprise: sur invitation
Particulier: sur invitation
Les demandes d'inscription seront contrôlées et approuvées par FIRM.


Inscription fermée.


KINSHASA 2024 image
Les terres dites d’islam sont également celles de sa désintégration progressive. L’imprégnation du mode de vie occidental, pudiquement qualifiée de mondialisation, opère un assainissement du corps social marginalisant ses éléments les plus rétrogrades, en particulier les Frères musulmans.
Ses métastases s’étendent sous forme de cellules violentes, en Afrique notamment.

Paradoxalement, c’est en Occident que des activistes musulmans trouvent l’occasion de ressourcer leur prosélytisme. La multiplication de signes ostentatoires, outre le terrorisme, donne une illusion de croissance alors que ce sont les derniers soubresauts de cette idéologie à vernis religieux à condition de ne pas lui offrir de possibilité de reprendre force et vigueur.

Diverses mesures juridiques sont de nature à mettre obstacle aux tentatives de réveil. Kinshasa, au cœur de l’Afrique, sera le lieu de l’adoption de contre-mesures.

The so-called lands of Islam are also those of its gradual disintegration. The penetration of the Western way of life, prudishly described as globalisation, is sanitizing the social fabric, marginalising its most backward elements, in particular the Muslim Brotherhood, which has begun to spread elsewhere in the form of violent cells, particularly in Africa.

Paradoxically, it is in the West that Muslim activists find the opportunity to refuel their proselytism. The multiplication of ostentatious Islamic signs, in addition to terrorism, gives an illusion of expansion, though they are only the final stirrings of an ideology with a religious veneer, provided it is not given the opportunity to regain strength and vigour.

A variety of legal measures can be deployed to counter the Muslim Brotherhood strategy of revival. Kinshasa, in the heart of Africa, will be the place where these counter-measures are adopted.

BOOK image



I Accommodating Political Islam

1. Corporate Sector in the Crosshairs of Islamic Subversion
2. Economic Cost of Religious Accommodation
3. Islamic Radicalism in the Workplace Survey

II The Battle for France

4. Business and the Phenomenon of Radicalization
5. Political Islam in the French Workplace
6. The Gearwheel Strategy: Sectarian Infiltration and Denunciation of Islamophobia

III Political Islam’s New Frontier

7. Corporate America: Jihadis in the Core and the Failing Paradigm
8. Challenges Political Islam poses to Insider Threat Strategies 
9. Countering Political Islam's Economic Warfare
10. Political Islam’s Agenda for the USA

IV Case Studies

11. Case Studies of Religious Accommodation 2001-2018
12. Airline & Airport Vulnerability to Infiltration: Contractors, Catering, Cargo
13. The Rise of Salafism at the Paris Transit Authority
14. Political Islam in the Private Security Sector
15. French Labour Unions and the Rise of Political Islam
16. Political Islam in the Pakistani Subsidiary of a US Multinational
17. Soccer and Jihad
18. Political Islam and MNCs

V Understanding the Mindset of Political Islam

19. Muslims in the Western Workplace: Opposites Meet
20. The Inside Out Shame Honor World of the Workplace Jihadi
21. An Economic Approach to Sunni Islam Hostility to Outgroups 


"Many thanks for sending me your book. We must all denounce and combat Islamism, which is a threat to our society."
Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, French Senator, Member and Reporter of the Senate Commission on Combating Radical Islam (2019-20).


LIVRE 1 image



I Accommodement de l’islam politique

1. L’Entreprise en première ligne face à la subversion islamique
2. Le coût économique de l’accommodement religieux
3. Le radicalisme islamique sur le lieu de travail - enquête

II La bataille pour la France

4. L’entreprise face aux phénomènes de radicalisation
5. L’islam politique sur le lieu de travail en France
6. La stratégie de l’engrenage: infiltration communautariste et dénonciation de l’islamophobie

III La nouvelle frontière de l’Islam politique

7. Les djihadistes au coeur du monde de l’entreprise américaine: le paradigme défaillant
8. Stratégie d’atténuation de la menace interne: les défis posés par l’islam politique
9. Contrer la guerre économique de l’islam politique
10. L’agenda de l’islam politique pour les Etats-Unis

IV Etudes de cas

11. Accommodement religieux - études de cas 2001-2018
12. Vulnérabilité à l’infiltration des compagnies aériennes et des aéroports: prestataires de services, restauration et transport de marchandises
13. La montée du salafisme à la RATP
14. L’islam politique dans le secteur de la sécurité privée
15. Les syndicats français face à la montée de l’islamisme 
16. L’islam politique dans la filiale pakistanaise d’une multinationale américaine
17. Football et djihad
18.  L’islam politique et les entreprises multinationales

V Comprendre la mentalité de l’Islam politique

19. Les musulmans sur le lieu de travail occidental: l’opposition de deux mondes
20. De la honte à l’honneur: le monde à l’envers du travailleur djihadiste
21.  L’économie expérimentale de l’islam politique


LIVRE 2 image

Ce livre est un regard sans complaisance sur l'impact de l'islam politique sur le lieu de travail. Il offre un aperçu unique des stratégies et tactiques islamistes déployées contre le monde de l'entreprise. Les auteurs révèlent comment les relations organisationnelles sont bouleversées pour renverser l'autorité de l'employeur dans une guerre menée par des réseaux bien organisés, alimentés par des ressources financières massives et utilisant notre appareil judiciaire et législatif pour faire avancer leur programme.

La poussée planifiée de pratiques religieuses islamiques a commencé dans le secteur de la construction automobile au milieu des années 1980 et aujourd’hui elle touche tous les secteurs d’activités : transports, administrations, grandes surfaces, sociétés de sécurité, milieux associatifs, syndicats, aéroport... Les lois et la jurisprudence placent l’entreprise dans une logique d'accommodement raisonnable où l’employeur doit concilier l’efficience de son organisation et les convictions religieuses de ses salariés.

Basé sur des sources documentaires, des entretiens et témoignages de cadres d’entreprises et d'analystes, implacable dans ses constatations, ce livre permet de comprendre cette inquiétante dérive et de l’enrayer.

"Un compte rendu très intéressant et important d'une tactique non violente des islamistes pour avancer un programme qui vise à transformer le lieu de travail dans les sociétés occidentales."
Joshua Sinai, Perspectives on Terrorism.

"Merci infiniment d'avoir eu la gentillesse de m'avoir fait parvenir votre livre. Chacun à notre place, nous nous devons de dénoncer et combattre l'islamisme qui menace nos sociétés."
Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, Sénatrice, Membre et Rapporteur de la Commission d'enquête sur la radicalisation islamiste et les moyens de la combattre (2019-20).

FIRM is the first organization to have tackled head-on the threat Islam poses to the corporate sector.

Conference presentations

  • Islamic Radicalism in the Workplace Cercle National des Armées; Paris, 2017

  • CAIR-EEOC Axis: The Shakedown of Corporate America U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C., 2018

  •  Le radicalisme islamique sur le lieu de travail Sénat, Paris, 2018

  • Un demi-siècle d'islam politique sur le lieu du travail en France 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, 2019

  • Le fait religieux en entreprise: le règlement intérieur,  Aix-en-Provence, 2021

  • Le fait religieux en entreprise: un constat et la traduction en justice, Aix-en-Provence, 2021

  • L’Entrisme islamiste dans les entreprises, Cercle Bernard Lazare, Paris, 2022

  • L’Islam dans les entreprises, Abbaye du Barroux, 2023


Clarion Project 2016-20

  • Islamic Radicalism in France Part 1 
  • Islamic Radicalism in France Part 2 
  • Islamic Radicalism in France Part 3 
  • Islamic Radicalism in France Part 4 
  • Conspiracy Theorists Could Be Forgiven 
  • Islamist Extremism in the Workplace 
  • Ramadan in France Sees Increasing Fundamentalism 
  • Hijabs in the Workplace: To Wear or Not to Wear? 
  • Not Welcome in Extremist Enclaves of Paris 
  • Islamist Extremism in the Workplace 
  • Islamic Extremism’s Hate Relationship with Music  
  • French Prisons: Universities of Jihad 
  • EU Commission's Willful Blindness on Islamist Terrror 
  • Muzzling Critics of Islamism: France in the 21st Century 
  • Jihadi Children Return to Europe: 'Purer' Than Adult Fighters 
  • French Deradicalization Plan: So Far, Not Working 
  • The Hidden Costs of Jihad 
  • Tracing Saudi Arabia's Export of Terror 
  • A Bastion of Radical Islam Inside France 
  • France to Build University of Counter Jihad 
  • Islamists Celebrate Presidential Primary Victory in France 
  • Islam and the French Elections: Taboos Broken 
  • Thoughts on the Council on American Islamic Relations 
  • Multiculturalism: Honor Violence 
  • Islamophobe or Prophet? France's Philippe de Villiers 
  • The Burkini Battle: What Really Happened in Corsica 
  • Verdicts Handed Down in First 'Burkini' Brawl 
  • The Subjugation of France: Salafism on the Streets 
  • Islamic Extremism in Ireland (Part I): Brotherhood Thriving 
  • Islamic Extremism in Ireland (Part II): Why Gov't Supports It 
  • France: 29% of French Muslims Favor Sharia Over French Law 
  • Radical Islam's French Propaganda Machine 
  • CAIR Offers Office Space to Islamic Group Kicked Out of France 
  • France Reeling From Beheading of Schoolteacher Educating About Free Speech

Other articles, reviews and interviews

  • La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme de Strasbourg craint une insurrection musulmane, Dreuz, 2018
  • L’Islam politique en entreprise, Cercle Audace, 2018
  • Trappes : a Jihadi Enclave, RT, 2018
  • Une offensive concertée aux États-unis, Causeur, 2018
  • The Islamization of France, Berean Research, 2018
  • Pénétration de l’islam radical en France, JForum, 2019
  • Conservative MPs are Working to Ban the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Dostor, 2020
  • The Reality of Muslim No-Go Zones, Alliance of Former Muslims, 2020
  • France vs. Radical Islam, RT, 2020
  • Les entreprises : nouvelles cibles privilégiées de l'islamisme, Atlantico, 2021
  • Les entreprises : nouvelles cibles privilégiées de l'islamisme, Geopolitico Scanner, 2021
  • Les entreprises françaises : cibles de l'islamisme, Fildmedia, 2021
  • Les entreprises : nouvelles cibles privilégiées de l’islamisme, Tribune Juive, 2021
  • L’islamisme à la conquête des entreprises, Boulevard Voltaire, 2021 
  • L’islamisme à la conquête des entreprises, Israël Magazine, 2021
  • La stratégie de l’engrenage : infiltration islamiste et dénonciation de l’islamophobie, Le Monde, 2021
  • Paris, Ile-de-France, France